Saturday, June 11, 2022

Sons Pray Over Nigeria [Volume 2 – 11th June 2022/1:10pm EAT]


God has His use for large numbers but most times even as scripted, He does achieve critical shifts in creation through very few numbers of people. Check out Abraham and the other Patriarchs, Moses, Joshua used many divinely revealed strategies to scale down his men of war until he got the accurate number. Number itself means a lot; in the old dispensation it could mean a certain fixed number of people. It is not always so in our dispensation. It does mean much more. Certain times it means a measure or stature of attainment in our nature. It could also mean access and realms we are authorized to exercise His wisdom and function effectively etc.

For proper follow up it will be necessary to read the volume 1 of Sons Pray Over Nigeria

This prayer journey is to constitute a people who perceive a calling to engage the heavens over Nigeria in a more seemingly different way however under instruction by The Spirit. The use of the phrase “God told me” has become a very carelessly used phrase and in the restoration of all things we the sons believe that even that phrase must be redeemed and sanctified in the minds and hearts of all that are called in the nature of Christ. The damage in the minds of the general populace for the continuous misuse of the word must be once again be healed.

An interesting episode happened recently in the events of politics in Nigeria. In some political magical way a people appeared called delegates and unto them was reposed the confidence and task of choosing  representatives for the post of presidents  for a whole country. The strategy  for selecting these delegates were totally oblivious to the eyes and minds of millions; thus over 99% of the population were ignorant of the system that produced the people that decided a candidate on their behalf. But incidentally, the rest of the population must deal with the consequences of the 2 sides of the coin chosen for them whether  they like it or not. They must choose from the list of the options provided. Irrespective of the flawed system that developed these delegates, irrespective of the morals of the delegates, irrespective of all atrocious charges attributed to the ways and conducts of these people, the whole country must deal with it and make do with them and as it were the country was invariably saying ‘These are the best of us – choose from among them period”.

However, the above paragraph brings us to Gods own process of selecting His delegates who will draw near into His courts to negotiate the destiny of nation birthing and destiny of climes and societies.  What many of us see as representing the justice systems of the earth are mostly a poor mimicking of what truly transpires in realms of heaven.  God Himself is called the Judge of all and presides over the affairs of creation in all realms. For truly, the people who would participate in this journey must understand the protocols of the courts, must have been selected, called and saddled with articles of navigating through the proceedings and chambers of the heavenly courts.

These people peradventure they are reading this article, they will perceive a witness in their hearts that they ought to be on this trail. Most times like Jonah, they are seldom ready and would gladly flee off with the boat-men to Tarshish for some other business and wealth pursuit. Well that is ok. Eventually the hand of destiny will viciously rock their escape boats to near death experiences that the only alternative to save the lives of the ones they care about would be to be thrown over. They know this. They carry this burden in their sleep and sin. Sleeping angels they are currently in all realms of endeavor. Tugged and disturbed with the status quo, they are not comfortable with the pain and suffering. Each wave of assault on lives and properties grips their hearts with such pain they feel responsible. Silent tears they moan all night because not only do they care, in them are living templates for a measure of solution. They carry a piece of the puzzle but yet they are trapped in the maze of their own previous mistakes, rejections, failures, pride, fear, shame and of course the responsibility of an altered life before God all the days of their life here on earth. Though it is an entirely altered Nature; it is Christ in all its power, majesty and glory but the shackles of habits and sundry ties bind them and keep them  from a life of covenant and full commitment of bearing the destiny of humanity and creation in their hearts.

These participants understand that the matter before them is beyond a geographical place called Nigeria how be it named in whoredom and idolatry. They are Kingdom Natives and their realm of function way above the matters of states and the petty greed of men locked in lasciviousness and wanton lifestyle. They know the implications of breaking chains over a people. They understand the implication of veils that cover. Many have seen glimpses of the one that covereth in his royal purple apparels and how such tapestry of beauty and glory grips the heart of the unlearned in the prison walls of self-made hell.

It is to these people I call forth on a holy summon. I too tremble in this and would not lie that doubts have gripped me often times about my worthiness to stay on this lane. But by the mercies of the life and identity I bear as a son of God, I am constrained and would rather have it be said of me that I tried and failed than I never attempted.

Hear the call!!  

To be continued



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