Thursday, June 9, 2022

Sons Pray Over Nigeria Vol 1 [ Justice Not Vengeance] 10/06/22

The prayer journey we are about to make is somehow unpopular with most Christians. So not many might come along. However, if you perceive a burden to take a contemplative prayer journey concerning the country Nigeria- You are very welcome my fellow welfare. For starters, the first question would be how do you perceive in your heart to come on this prayer journey? For many, it is so many things indicating a calling, like a drawing in for them to set time apart and seek an inner inquiry. For many, it is a persistent thought that seem to have an endless corridor of adjoining thoughts like a mind journey. Not a wondering thought now, but a precisely persistent thought with meaning and purpose. It was so for me and further, it was demanding a change in view, a change in perspective and even a change in lifestyle. These thoughts were powerful enough to call up the nature of Christ required to be in function to make it efficacious and they were not looking like an easy task in adjustment. Many times when this demand or calling comes, I usually dodge because of the demand associated with it, even though there is always an excitement of what could be at the end of the tunnel. Like a sweetness that bright light brings to the heart. The sweetness of victory that comes after a task.  Likened to Psalm 126:6. For some other people, it is a raw prophetic voice to set apart time or company. Many times it has been a dream also for me. Whatever it is for you and the burden to journey apart a bit for the sake of Nigeria- You are welcome.

The need to pray is in the mouth of almost every believer, every pastor and bishop and interestingly many are already doing so. However there is something about HOW to pray. It became a very critical issue at some point the followers of Jesus had to ask Him about THE HOW. There is something about the HOW that even Paul when admonishing the church told them to pray with all manner [HOW] of prayer. It appears that for diverse occasions as demand attends to prayer; there is  A HOW to pray in such times.

I began to perceive in my spirit this sense of a HOW to pray that many are not accustomed to but in my watch, my heart remembered a season I had achieved a major prayer victory and it was clear there was a HOW that prayer went that made it a very efficacious prayer encounter. And that is the essence of this prayer journey.

We have come to that critical place in a country we call ours that certain strategic prayer HOWs must be adopted. By the way, there are many fronts in this Nigeria engagement. And many would appreciate to stay within the fronts for engagement they have been called to for engagement. It is called ranks. We would engage not breaking our ranks and being effective in the front wherein we perceive the burden of the Lord in the hearts.

Not so long ago as the political arena hit off with the campaigns, my heart was filled with rage, anger and thirst for vengeance. My heart was pained at how bad things had become. My eyes were red, my tongue tasted bile. Yet my body was weak and I could not achieve much in sustained time of wait. There was so much to deal with.  The flesh was not coming along. The desire and rage to see all the people I believed had contributed to how the country had been run down punished intensively filled my heart. I mean punished properly. I wished them death. There really was no limit to what I was marshaling out in my mind should be adequate punishment that could give my soul respite. Especially as I saw people of seemingly worth among my Christian clime completely sold out in their deceits. I wished an end through their disappearance. I needed vengeance.

The ways of God is funny especially if your mind is open to see our oneness with Him and how He can speak through almost anything . In a movie, I cant remember the name, someone was telling another about the difference between vengeance and Justice. About how what he sort was vengeance and how he was never going to have peace in vengeance. But even the way he explained justice, I understood there and then that God is a God of justice. And the way He communicates justice or judgment is totally different from the way of the world. The greatest judgment  God demonstrated against the greatest evil was Christ Jesus. And it couldn’t be any other thing if not evil would have been recycled and the multiplied. Christ is the judgment against evil. It will never be evil for evil. The hearts of many are crying for vengeance. It is the way of the world. Even the justice of the world is flawed. But only sons can give justice to humanity and creation.

In this prayer journey, I believe whole heartedly that God will use us to bring justice to Nigeria and birth a new nation. The outcomes of a righteous burden sometimes can seem impossible for the heart to believe. But journey with me.  WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.

Let us set apart and journey with Him away from the noise, our God is a just God without injustice.  Feel free to make comments as we move along this prayer journey. This journey will alter all of us from our DNA. You will never recognize yourself probably afterwards. It scares, excites and feels impossible all at the same time. The soul is indeed slippery. But God is greater. We are complete in and as Christ.

By His leading, we shall set times of engagement. But shall use this forum to bring light into our hearts as we engage for more.

Blessings Unlimited.

Williams Eze

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